Maternity Tours

Maternity Makeover: SBH Maternity Suites Get A New Look

New moms delivering at SBH may think they have arrived at a vacation resort in the heart of the Bronx.

With all private rooms, remodeled in-room showers, overnight sleeper couches for your family, 24-hour care, and a post-birth celebration dessert tray, it is no wonder why so many new moms choose SBH as their place to give birth.

Each mother and baby suite comes with new beds, side sleepers, night stands, comfortable recliners, overhead tables, a dining area, and stylish window curtains.

Tours are suspended until further notice due to COVID-19 precautions.


Image of mother displaying good care techniques for newborn babies

Newborn Baby Basics

Being a new parent can be both exciting and intimidating. Knowing what to expect from your newborn can help ease the anxiety. The following are some useful information for your... Read more →