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Patient Representative

Patient representatives serve as a liaison between patients and/or their family members and the hospital for the purpose of providing advocacy services, complaint resolution, patients’ rights information, information on hospital services and solutions to concerns.

The patient representative works cooperatively with all hospital areas to provide for positive outcomes, patient safety and quality of care.

Some examples of when you may want to contact a patient representative are:

  • When a patient or family member seeks a resolution to a concern
  • When there is a need to interpret the Patient Bill of Rights
  • When a patient is experiencing difficulties within the hospital system
  • To help with communication and act as a liaison between caregivers and the patient and/or family.
  • Provide assistance or answer questions about advance directives such as a healthcare proxy, living will or DNR.

You may call a patient representative directly Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm at 718-960-6121 or 718-960-6353.

Patient Responsibilities

A patient at St. Barnabas Hospital is responsible for:

  1. Providing, to the best of the patient’s knowledge, accurate and complete information about present health complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to the patient’s health.
  2. Reporting unexpected changes in the patient’s condition to the responsible practitioner.
  3. Making it known whether the patient can clearly understand a planned course of action and what is expected of the patient.
  4. Following the treatment plan recommended by the practitioners responsible for the patient’s care. This may include following the instructions of nurses and allied health personnel as they carry out the coordinated plan of care and implement the responsible practitioner’s orders.
  5. Patient’s actions if a patient refuses treatment or do not follow the practitioner’s instructions.
  6. Following hospital rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.
  7. Being considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel, and for assistance in the control of noise, smoking and number of visitors.
  8. Being respectful of the property of others and of the hospital.
  9. Ensuring the safekeeping of all personal articles. Patient should leave all valuables and clothing not needed at home. Personal articles needed, such as eyeglasses, dentures and hearing aids, should be placed with care and not on a food tray or underneath a pillow. Denture cups and eyeglass cases are available upon request.

Note: The Hospital is NOT responsible for the Loss of Personal Articles.

St. Barnabas Hospital

SBH Health System
4422 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor
Bronx NY, 10457
Tel: (718) 960-6121 or (718) 960-6353

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