Our anesthesia team provides state-of-the-art patient care in the areas of preoperative evaluation, intraoperative anesthesia, post-operative critical care and pain management.
Anesthesiologists are physicians trained to administer and manage anesthesia during a surgical procedure. They are also responsible for managing and treating changes in your critical life functions – breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure – which are affected while surgery is being performed.
Our certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) are nurses with experience in critical care medicine who have undergone specialty training in the field of anesthesia. As part of the team approach to anesthetic management, you may have a CRNA involved with your care, in addition to a physician anesthesiologist.
Prior to surgery, the anesthesiologist will evaluate your medical condition and formulate an anesthetic plan which takes your physical condition into account. That’s why it’s vital that the anesthesiologist knows as much about your medical history, lifestyle, and medications as possible. This includes current medications, including over-the-counter and herbal medications; allergies to any foods and/or medications; reactions to previous anesthetics; and use of tobacco, alcohol, and any recreational drugs.
On the day of your surgery, the anesthesia team will meet with you immediately before your surgery to review your entire medical history as well as results of any medical tests conducted during your preoperative evaluation. It is important to discuss any changes in your health that may have occurred in the days preceding your surgery, such as fevers, chills, upper respiratory infections, vomiting, diarrhea, or other ailments.